Rob Wenger returns to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Wenger, who co-founded Higher Logic in 2007, previously spent more than a decade leading the company. He is re-joining as the strategic opportunity for the business shifts to product innovation and strategic partnerships. Read Full Press Release

FAIA’s Automated Membership Strategy Increases Engagement 201%

Meet Our Customer

The Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) is a nonprofit state trade association of insurance agencies and the central source of information for nearly 2,000 independent property and casualty agency members. They use iMIS-ASI as their member database.

FAIA wanted to switch from a one-off email strategy for member renewals to a planned, ongoing email campaign approach. Learn how they did it.

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Difficult Member Renewal Process

In the past, FAIA’s membership department had three huge renewal mailings and still had to chase down renewals. Before setting up an online renewal process, members had to fill out a web form that was emailed to membership, who then had to manually enter information into the database. FAIA set a goal to increase online membership renewals. 


Automate an Email Campaign for Renewals

FAIA built an automated membership marketing strategy that included four new automated campaigns. When they launched their automation strategy, they created four new campaign types that covered all the bases: re-engagement, past member recruitment, new members, and membership renewal. They wanted less random and more strategic member outreach. 


“Marketing automation gives us the opportunity to create a more thoughtful and effective process.”

Sue Ray Communications Director (Former), FAIA

Engage your Members