Our Marketing Movers and Shakers are leading the way with innovative ideas, great processes, and sharp marketing! We’re excited to recognize our six association winners in this series of blog posts. First up is association marketer Debbie Segor.
Debbie Segor, CAE is Marketing Communications Manager at the American Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT).
Debbie’s Marketing Moves
ASNT uses Higher Logic’s marketing software to build smarter emails. Debbie and the team use dynamic content to automatically populate newsletters with relevant content for the recipient, which helps them avoid sending super long emails. Debbie does A/B testing for their subject lines, and she’s using a lot of link labels and tracking all the different clicks throughout their emails. She’s also getting into RSS feeds and exploring different ways of using social media. Debbie’s now focused on a lot of personalization, a lot more segmentation, a lot more A/B testing, and giving members the ability to mute campaigns.
Hot Tip
For event signups or anything with a deadline, consider including a countdown clock in your emails. Debbie says it was free, easy to find, then easy to grab the code and drop into the HTML. It looks great and serves as an effective motivator. ASNT conference staff was thrilled.
Marketing Influencers
Debbie follows Chris Gloede from Association Marketing Academy, and Women of Email. She also recommends Really Good Emails, which she looks at all the time for great ideas. You can put in different search criteria and see numerous great designs and inspirations.
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