Rob Wenger returns to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Wenger, who co-founded Higher Logic in 2007, previously spent more than a decade leading the company. He is re-joining as the strategic opportunity for the business shifts to product innovation and strategic partnerships. Read Full Press Release

A Higher Logic Hello – Meet Morghan Cope!

employee spotlight // We recently sat down with Morghan Cope, Internal Communications Strategist, Culture & Community at Higher Logic, to learn a few fun facts.

Laura Craft
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We recently sat down with Morghan Cope, our Internal Communications Strategist at Higher Logic, for a quick Q&A to learn a little more about her outside of the workplace. From her first job to what she would choose for her superpower, the answers are all below!

Title: Internal Communications Strategist, Culture & Community 

How long have you been at Higher Logic? Almost 3 years! (November 2019)  

Where are you located? In Tampa, FL.  

What is your favorite thing about your job? I love that I get to connect with so many of our employees on a day-to-day basis!   

What was your very first job? My very first job was working at a local ice cream shop where I ate just as much ice cream as I sold!   

What do you like to do outside of work? I am a big reality tv/pop culture junkie, so I love to keep up with that stuff. I also love trying new restaurants and we try to go somewhere new every weekend.

One fun thing is that during the pandemic, I got really into doing my own nails at home, so that is currently one of my biggest hobbies! I do my nails at least weekly (sometimes more) and love trying different nail art and trends. You will never find me with unpainted nails.  

Favorite sports team? I’m not much of a sports girl but my husband will be really mad if I don’t say the Washington Commanders.  

If you weren’t in Internal Communications, what would be your dream job? Celebrity makeup artist. I worked as a makeup artist in college and it was so much fun! It would be a dream getting to play with makeup and do different looks for celebs/events.  

If you could choose, what superpower would you want? Flight so I could just zip around anywhere I want.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would really love to go to Greece one day!  

If you could go back and talk to your 18-year-old self, what would you say? Don’t get caught up chasing where you think you should be vs living in the moment. It’s ok if your path doesn’t follow your original plan. Focus on what makes you happy, not what you think will make others happy.  

If you are married and/or have kids? What are their names? My husband’s name is Tyler and we don’t have kids yet, but our pride and joy is our 1-year-old Mini Goldendoodle, Winston. 

Now, let’s end with a little Quickfire: 

Ice cream or cake? Ice cream  

Cats or dogs? Dogs 

Summer or winter? Summer  

Morning or evening? Evening  

TV shows or movies? TV shows 

A night out or a night in? Night in  

Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first? Dip a toe in first  

Have your own Netflix account or use somebody else’s? My own!  

Go-to karaoke song? “Dancing Queen” by Abba or anything by Taylor Swift  

Drive or fly? Fly



Laura Craft

Sr. Manager, Corporate Communications

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